You are the Righteousness of God

2 Corinthians 5:21 says -  For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 

Paul shows you in verse 18 that Jesus is the head of the body - which is the Church, and that all the fullness should dwell in Him.  A head without a body, or a body without a head is useless, they must work together. You are part of the body of Christ, with Jesus in you, and not yourself controlling things.  

You are the righteousness of God, and must allow the Holy Spirit rather than your carnal nature to direct you.     

God has an inner image of life which is to produce Jesus in you.  God desires that you conform to the image of His Son, and allow His divine inner image to fill your spirit.  

You then can reflect the nature and character of Jesus in your life, which will cause more people to want to come to Him.